Get Your Creative Juices Going
If you find writing a chore it will come through. You will sound dull and tired and who wants to read that? No-one that’s who.
So here are some ways you can stay fresh and creative
Fed up with sitting at that same desk, at that same computer. Then move. Take yourself to another room, or if you have a laptop get outside. The different view will spark different ideas.
Have an online writing party. Choose a time and get some writing mates together on Facebook or organise a group Skype. Swap ideas and experience and tell stories of why you write.
There’s nothing like some healthy competition to build motivation. Challenge one of your writing buddies to finish a chapter before you, to publish an article before you, get their next blog post on site before you. You’ll be so busy winning you’ll forget to be bored.
New perspectives, new information. And a new freshness to your prose. So pick up that book you have been meaning to read for ages.
Are you stuck on something. Then share. There will be someone out there who can help.
I bet you have started writing all sorts of things which you have abandoned. Spend a day digging out your old work and seeing what is worth polishing up for publication.
Take your subject in a new direction. Make a commitment to read one new article or blog about your area every week.
Get feedback
Ask your clients or customers what they think. And listen to what they say.
Keep publishing
To your website, to your blog or a guest blog in a magazine. There are loads of options. You are only a real writer if you are publishing.