7 steps to stopping impostor syndrome
“Ooh I couldn’t do that. I’m not important enough to write a book.” Sound familiar? Or perhaps you have written a book but are keeping quiet about it. The shy author is more common than you think.
Either way it’s impostor syndrome raising its ugly head again.
It’s bad, it’s stopping your success, it’s draining your energy and I want to get rid of it once and for all.
So let’s all promise each other to do 7 things
- Don’t talk yourself down. Here’s what not to say when someone praises you: ‘Oh, it’s only a little thing.’ Or, even worse: ‘It was my first my next one will
be better.’ NO NO NO. Instead say: ‘Thanks I’m glad you like it, I hope you buy it and get
your friends to buy it too.’ That will do fine
- Smile when someone praises your
writing. Then, when you get home write down what they said, and date it. It
happened and now you have a record of it.
- Love and cherish your fans. Some people will love your writing. Thank them and talk to them. Bathe in their admiration. You earned it and you deserve it. Share your work in progress with them. Include them – they will love you even more and you can learn from them.
- Write and publish. Often. As often as
you can. Commit to writing something for publication every week if you can but
at least once a month. It doesn’t have to be War and Peace, a blog post or a
longish Facebook post about your business will do. You will be telling yourself and the world ‘I write for publication – see here it is.’
- Get Writing and don’t be shy.The big embarrassment is not doing it. How like a loser this sounds: “Oh I sort of write, one day I’ll do a book.” Ditch that, and instead guard your reputation for
successful delivery. If you write then publish. Once you’ve done it once you’ll
be doing it all the time.
- Find a mentor who has done it.
- Choose your friends wisely. Ditch those
negative people who love never finishing. Stick with
successful people and watch their habits. Ask them what they do and how they do
it. Spend time with them, before you know it you will have those successful
habits too.
So keep your head held high and enjoy your writing.
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